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shipping table not calculating


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I have an image at


that shows my information


---The item I bought, had its weight changed to 1.0, and as you can see it simply will not apply the addition of my amount(12.50). You may notice it did indeed add the handling fee(.50) and it is calculated into the final cost, but no sign of the actual table price being factored in.

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upto 1 it is 12.5 but for 1 it will be zero.Change to 2:12.50 and check.


Also check if inorder total If You have set free shipping for order above some value.



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upto 1 it is 12.5 but for 1 it will be zero.Change to 2:12.50 and check.


Also check if inorder total If You have set free shipping for order above some value.



thankyou, I was certain changing from 1 to 2 would would but it did not, and I'm not sure what you mean by check in-order total. I added the free shipping script, and am wondering if that is interfering with table methods, but on the other hand, I need the free-shipping script becuase I do have a whole category that is free shipping objects!

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is what shall be used for free shipingby category.



I just don't know, I am trying to post images of my order total screens, but my host is down so not viewable yet. I even tried the table in price mode with no luck, I think your clue about order total parameters is what might be problem, I'll post my screen shots as soon as host is back on!

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I just don't know, I am trying to post images of my order total screens, but my host is down so not viewable yet. I even tried the table in price mode with no luck, I think your clue about order total parameters is what might be problem, I'll post my screen shots as soon as host is back on!



here are 2 more screen shots of order total information.




----this is really starting to get me down because I have tried everything and cannot get it to add the simple math!

***also if pix are not loading, just try again in a few minutes as web server of mine has been flickering on/off


thanks for looking!

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I have been searching through this shipping archieve and have come across some very similiar situations a while ago. Some suggested it to be an error in the module, anyone know of this, and if so any fix, as I am in a bad way here until I get get this table to calculate a few simple shipping prices... The os comm version I am using is from 2003

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I have the same issue - free shipping set to no and am trying to use table rate based on item weight. Not getting any freight but I can get a handling fee to show up. On Version 2.2.2

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I have the same issue - free shipping set to no and am trying to use table rate based on item weight. Not getting any freight but I can get a handling fee to show up. On Version 2.2.2

here is the code

function quote($method = '') {

global $order, $cart, $shipping_weight, $shipping_num_boxes;



$order_total = $cart->show_total();

} else {

$order_total = $shipping_weight;



$table_cost = split("[:,]" , MODULE_SHIPPING_TABLE_COST);

$size = sizeof($table_cost);

for ($i=0, $n=$size; $i<$n; $i+=2) {

if ($order_total <= $table_cost[$i]) {

$shipping = $table_cost[$i+1];






$shipping = $shipping * $shipping_num_boxes;


So if You are not getting Shipping means $shipping = 0 which will be due to one of the two

$shipping_weight, $shipping_num_boxes

So need to check that there is weight associated with all products and $shipping_num_boxes != 0

place some debug write code and whatever goes in tha file please do paste.



Satish Mantri

Ask/Skype for Free osCommerce value addon/SEO suggestion tips for your site.


Check My About US For who am I and what My company does.

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