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The e-commerce.

Tax rounding issue


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I have a problem when calculating sales tax:


Here is the deal:


During checkout OS makes the following calculation:

Item Price: 18.95

Shipping : 3.35

Subtotal: 22.30

Tax (8% Applied to both item and shipping in my state): 1.79

Total: 24.09


Now the tax should be 1.78.


It seems that OS is either:

1. incorrectly rounding up (22.30 x .08 = 1.784 which should be 1.78 like quickbooks says)

2. or incorrectly rounding the tax of each item first and then adding them (18.95 x.08 = 1.516 rounded to 1.52 PLUS 3.35 x .08 = 0.268 rounded to .27 Equals 1.79. I believe this is NOT the correct way to round multiple lines since you loose accuracy at every line.


Anyone know where is the problem or a possible fix? I spend about 2 hours searching but the rounding issues people seem to have are related to other modifications. Thanks. xp.

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  • 1 month later...

I have exactly the same problem :'( ! It's annoying and frustrating. I have have searched trough these forums and bug reports for hours now, but found no good answers. Please help us!





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is your currency in the default osc setup correctly? Like 1.0000000000 and as the default one? And also check the tax rates in osc admin. The Tax Rate % should read 8.0000

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