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PayPal not returning to store


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I installed Paypal_IPN_v2.2 and configured it with Enable Encrypted Web Payments set to true and the key and certificate files set. the process seems to work up to the point of clicking the "Complete your Order Confirmation" button in PayPal. Instead of returning to the store I am sent to a page displaying a 404 error with file not found. The page URL is https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/checkout_process.php. The error says the file was not found on this server. Any ideas what is wrong here?

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Happy to help on this one Paul. We ran into this problem today on a test site.

This is caused by your shop not having SSL configured. The url your shop passes to Paypal as the return processing address assumes SSL is configured. If not, it passes a blank url and you are left with paypal filling in the blanks with its own url.


If you don't have SSL you'll have to hack the code to use a NONSSL href.


Now if I could just get my IPN to function...

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I installed Paypal_IPN_v2.2 and configured it with Enable Encrypted Web Payments set to true and the key and certificate files set. the process seems to work up to the point of clicking the "Complete your Order Confirmation" button in PayPal. Instead of returning to the store I am sent to a page displaying a 404 error with file not found. The page URL is https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/checkout_process.php. The error says the file was not found on this server. Any ideas what is wrong here?

It looks like the problem is that you have not set the return URL correctly in your Paypal profile.

I doubt that your domain is called www.paypal.com and as you see the checkout_process.php is appended to that domain. You shoud give the full path to your checkout_process.php like ie. https://www.yourdomain.com/checkout_process.php or, if you have installed into the default osC subdir, https://www.yourdomain.com/catalog/checkout_process.php (leave the s from https of if you do not have SSL on your checkout pages).

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