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The e-commerce.

Considering osCommerce, have questions


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Hi. I've been looking at a few commerce solutions, and osCommerce caught my eye. I have a few questions though.



1. How often is osCommerce updated? When was it last time updated?



2. I want to fully costomize the layout of my site. That is, Im using standard html + css pages and I want my shopping section looking exactly like other parts of my site, so that users dont know the difference. You can visit my site here www agcssautomotive dot com /test ........ Shopping area will be Products and Services sections.



3. Can copyright notices/powered by notices be removed free of charge?



4. How easy is it to accomplish #2?

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Hi. I've been looking at a few commerce solutions, and osCommerce caught my eye. I have a few questions though.

1. How often is osCommerce updated? When was it last time updated?

2. I want to fully costomize the layout of my site. That is, Im using standard html + css pages and I want my shopping section looking exactly like other parts of my site, so that users dont know the difference. You can visit my site here www agcssautomotive dot com /test ........ Shopping area will be Products and Services sections.

3. Can copyright notices/powered by notices be removed free of charge?

4. How easy is it to accomplish #2?



1. not so often, but the latest release is very fresh.


2. its possible. For your requirements of HTML editing maybe it would be easierr for you if you add the STS template system.


3. Yes


4. for standard modification using the original oscommerce set-up look at basics for osc design below .


Or have a look at STS

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