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The e-commerce.

Online Florist Mod available? Different Delivery Address to billing address


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I am totally new to this.

My old site was all in HTML.


I am using 2checkout.com and PayPal.


I need to ask customers for a delivery address not shipping address - i want it to say billing not shipping.

I also need to collect a greeting card message and delivery date from the customers when they place their order.


Are there any online florist mods for this? How can i do this?


Ideally i want to keep my existing shit layout, but i am not sure this is possible. My site is gogoflorist.com


Cant i just have a large table cell in my site with all the oscommerce content popping up on that. I can use my existing buttons down the side of my page linking to different categories in oscommerce (fixed links).


Alternatively how do i put my floash animation at the top in oscommerce and my logo is bigger than that of the oscommerce logo so i think i cant just hange the file in the image directory.


Please help

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