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The e-commerce.

SupaNames and eMail issue


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Hello forum users,

I am new to this forum and thus to using oscommerce.

After setting up oscommerce on the supanemes (windows hosting) domain I've encountered a problem that the script doesn't send out any emails (contact us, registration and so on).

Does anybody know whether supanames allows to send out emails with the default php mailing command. I uploaded phpInfo.php file to see the setting of the php.ini there and here is what I've got

SMTP  localhost  localhost
 smtp_port  25  25

I've noticed that there is a contribution which allows for usage of the authenticated smtp server. However I have to purchase this one from supanames.

Before I do so I was curious whether somebody on the forum had same/comparable difficulties.

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  • 2 years later...


I have given up on SUPANAMES.

I completed my order with them 5 days ago. Which they did not supply. The money has gone from my acount and I now want a refund.

Despite sending 4 e-mails I have had no response whatsoever.

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