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The e-commerce.

Having a few problems here...


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I've just set up osCommerce, but I'm having a few rather bad problems with it.

First of all I have the error


1062 - Duplicate entry '660d8f024ffa4db927f52b6d23b68b3e' for key 1


insert into sessions values ('660d8f024ffa4db927f52b6d23b68b3e18345fd1', '1170103262', 'cart|O:12:\"shoppingCart\":4:{s:8:\"contents\";a:0:{}s:5:\"total\";i:0;s:6:\"weight\";i:0;s:12:\"content_type\";b:0;}language|s:7:\"english\";languages_id|s:1:\"1\";currency|s:3:\"USD\";navigation|O:17:\"navigationHistory\":2:{s:4:\"path\";a:1:{i:0;a:4:{s:4:\"page\";s:9:\"index.php\";s:4:\"mode\";s:6:\"NONSSL\";s:3:\"get\";a:0:{}s:4:\"post\";a:0:{}}}s:8:\"snapshot\";a:0:{}}')




At the bottom of the pages.


And another thing is that I'm unable to log in with user accounts.

The only thing that happens when I hit the log in button is that I am returned to the index page, and it saying Welcome, Guest! Would you like to log in or register....

However, when I check it with the admin tool, it says that the user has logged in, but it appears as if it just adds to the number of logins, but don't actually log the user in.



Yet another thing is that I constantly got


1062 - Duplicate entry '538c049a0b3c8df1d5b99e4cecd45944' for key 1


insert into sessions values ('538c049a0b3c8df1d5b99e4cecd459449635b2f8', '1170103408', 'language|s:7:\"english\";languages_id|s:1:\"1\";selected_box|s:5:\"tools\";')




that on the bottom of the admin pages.


Anyone know a solution to fix these problems?

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