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UPS XML Rates & Services v1.2.4 Error


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I am new to osCommerce and I am very pleased overall. Except for one thing. My installation was missing a UPS module. I read in the documentation that UPS was an included module but I don't see it in my admin section. I have downloaded the package a number of times directly from the site and it is version 2.2 so it is the most up-to-date version. But this is not my main concern, since I have found the UPS XML module contributed by some of you wonderful OS'ers...


But alas, I have encountered an error with this module. I set it up using all of the credentials provided by UPS (Developers Key, XML Access Key, etc) and I am getting the following error when I get to the checkout page:


Rating and Service 1.0001 0 An unknown error occured while attempting to contact the UPS gateway : Rating and Service 1.0001 0 An unknown error occured while attempting to contact the UPS gateway


I am assuming that there is some sort of problem with the credentials I am providing. Do I use the login information that I use to login to the UPS site for the UPS Service User/PWD fields in the module administration? Is there a way I can test my Access and Developer key to make sure they aren't causing the problem?


Thanks for any and all help,

- joe :-"

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Rating and Service 1.0001 0 An unknown error occured while attempting to contact the UPS gateway : Rating and Service 1.0001 0 An unknown error occured while attempting to contact the UPS gateway
There is info in the package and in the shipping module upsxml.php file (close to the top) how to get logging enabled. Then you can see what is sent out to UPS and what the UPS server returns (better error description). There is also somewhere in that file a provision to circumvent a common cURL error about certificates.
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There is info in the package and in the shipping module upsxml.php file (close to the top) how to get logging enabled. Then you can see what is sent out to UPS and what the UPS server returns (better error description). There is also somewhere in that file a provision to circumvent a common cURL error about certificates.


Thanks for the fast reply Jan. I enabled the logging and got this :

2007-01-30 00:03:15	cURL	Error [60]: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details:
error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed	3

2007-01-30 00:03:15	TimeInTransit	: 	3

2007-01-30 00:03:15	cURL	Error [60]: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details:
error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed	3

2007-01-30 00:03:15	Rates	Rating and Service		 1.0001	
   An unknown error occured while attempting to contact the UPS gateway:
   Rating and Service		1.0001	
   An unknown error occured while attempting to contact the UPS gateway


I also enabled the cURL and got more errors... I am guessing this is some sort of SSL problem. I am using a shared certificate through my ISP. If you could shed any light on these errors I would appreciate it

- joe

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This is the error I am getting when I enable the cURL:

Warning: exec() [function.exec]: Unable to fork [which curl] in ******\*******\shipping\upsxml.php on line 808

- joe

That is not enabling cURL, that is using the last fallback when cURL is not installed. You set $this->use_exec = '0'; on line 97 to '1' and that is not working (setting at 0 did).


You need to uncomment the last line of these two (line 835 and 836)

			// uncomment the next line if you get curl error 60: error setting certificate verify locations
		//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am getting the *exact* same error in my log. Any ideas, anyone?


Thanks for the fast reply Jan. I enabled the logging and got this :

2007-01-30 00:03:15	cURL	Error [60]: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details:
error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed	3

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  • 9 years later...

I just came across this same issue with the UPS module displaying the following error instead of rates:


Rating and Service 1.0001 0 An unknown error occured while attempting to contact the UPS gateway : Rating and Service 1.0001 0 An unknown error occured while attempting to contact the UPS gateway


I tried to log into the UPS site but my UPS User ID and Password were not working. And when I tried to retrieve my password by having their system send me a password reset email, my email was not in their system. I contacted UPS tech support and it turns out that if you do not log into your account within 18 months, they delete your email and account.


So, if you have a drop shipping scenario set up and you don't ship via UPS but only use their rates API as a courtesy to the customer, then you need to log into your UPS account once a year to avoid losing it.


I followed Jan Zonjee's advice from a few posts above and the log file showed me that it was using my UPS ID and Password to log into UPS API. Hence, this is where that error is coming from. If you are getting this error, try logging into the UPS site. If you cannot login and they don't have your email, then this is likely the problem.



osCommerce: made for programmers, ...because store owners do not want to be programmers.


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