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The e-commerce.

Specials box does not function


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I've been running an online shop for about 6 months, pretty much with the standard installation.


I have just noticed that the if you click in the specials box to see other specials, it comes up with an error. I tells me it's looking for FILENAME_SPECIALS. This tell me that the string is not defined, so I edited the filenames.php (in includes) and defined it as specials.php.


But it appears not be able to find it. There is no specials.php file in the root directory. I could only find it in the includes/boxes directory, but it does not appear to be able to find this.


So I copied this file to the root direcory, but then it comes up with an error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_random_select() in /home/oneognet/public_html/Shop/specials.php on line 13


Can anyone help please?


Thank you kindly!

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Actually I'd really like to know if the buttom (top right corner of specials box) works for anyone with a standard installation?


Can someone check please, and tell me what it links to (put mouse pionter over it and see what URL comes up in your browser)?


Thanks a lot!

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check contribution that You installed it might have stated to place a define in includes/filenames.php

FILENAME_SPECIALS psecials.php here You might have made a mistake.


Satish Mantri

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Thanks for the reply.


It was not defined in filename.php at all.


When I did define it, it would not find the specials.php file, since this does not exist in my root directory, only

in my includes/boxes directory. Copying this specials.php to the root directory produced errors.


Thanks a lot for any suggestions you can provide!

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