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Admin setup for IPN


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Hi everyone,

I have the PayPal IPN installed for my site, but I was wondering

if someone could please clarify setting things up in the Admin.

In the edit section of of the IPN, I have everything figured out

(I think) until it gets to Your Private Key, Your Public Certificat,

PayPals Public Certificate, Your PayPal Public Certificate ID,

Working Directory (not sure what should go in there) and in

Open SSL Location it have /usr/bin/openssl


I have purchased a RapidSSL for my site and have it installed.

(altho in Admin, its still showing no secure ssl connection, but

that's another issue)


Could someone please help to walk this newbie through the

steps of setting these sections? I've tried looking through

PayPal but get just as lost there. I have a business

account set up, and in my Getting Started Steps, the only

thing left to do is Implement Website Payments Standard,

but there are no real instructions on this page. Help?


Thanks in advance,


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Yes, it's a big foggy in this area.

I'm trying to figure out what is required and if it is optional or mandatory.


I imagine one has to generate the key but how i have no idea.... i'm surprised no one has replied to your question, either we are to dumb and it's obvious because it's in the "read me" file or no one has a clue which i doubt.

Trouble is i have gone through the read me file and paypal several times :(

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No, i am blind the answer is in the read me file, and i presume only applies to encrypted payments so optional.


Setting up Encrypted Web Payments

If you have SSL enabled, then you won't need to set up encrypted web payments as the payment module automatically uses SSL if available.


To set up yor encrypted web payments, log in to your PayPal account, click on "Profile - > Encrypted Payment Settings". Click on "Download" to download PayPal’s public certificate. Create your own certificate and upload it to PayPal.


To create your own certificate, you can use openssl:

Create a private key: openssl genrsa -out my-prvkey.pem 1024

Create the public certificate: openssl req -new -key my-prvkey.pem -x509 -days 365 -out my-pubcert.pem


When you upload your certificate, PayPal returns to you a "PayPal Public Certificate ID”=". This is one of the parameters that osC requires.


More info on this can be found at https://www.paypal.com/en_US/pdf/PP_Website...rationGuide.pdf - If you have problems with encryped web payments I strongly recommend reading the relevant chapter in the PDF guide as it gives extensive guidance!


You can optionally block all non-encrypted payments: go to Profile > Website Payment Preferences, and choose “on” in “Block Non-encrypted Website Payment”

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