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How do you change the text on the First page


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I'm setting up my first shop and making quite good progress.


I have two main quesitons:


1) Can I integrate this with a normal site - i.e have an informaiton side to the website?

2) How do I change the text on the first page.

3) Can I also use Joomla to manage the content of the information side of the website?





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It's better to integrate your existing web site into oscommerce but the reverse can be done. To change the text, edit the includes/languages/english/index.php file.



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It's better to integrate your existing web site into oscommerce but the reverse can be done. To change the text, edit the includes/languages/english/index.php file.






Thanks very much for replying. I'm sure I am being a total dunce. I just can't figure out the changing the test bit. I'm going to File Manager, and selecting includes, but I don't have a languages folder. What am I doing wrong, or am I trying to do this from the wrong place?





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Thanks very much for replying. I'm sure I am being a total dunce. I just can't figure out the changing the test bit. I'm going to File Manager, and selecting includes, but I don't have a languages folder. What am I doing wrong, or am I trying to do this from the wrong place?






Sorry but can you also tell me if there is anything I can read for information on how to integrate my existing website with Oscommerce?


Many thanks


Lottie x

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For the text problem, there has to be a languages directory or the shop won't work so you must be looking in the wrong place. Also, if your files do not have the lastest updates, using the filemanager in admin will damage them.


No, there isn't one place to read about integrating your shop. It is mixed in all of the theads.This thread may get you started though.



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