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Quirky "search" behaviour in new installation


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Hi All

I have a new OSC installation. Generally with help from here, the installation is going fine, and I'm getting there. At the moment I just have maybe 20 sample catalog entries, and a couple of user accounts.


Testing the search facility has brought up some quirky behaviour as follows:


If I use the basic search and enter a simple search term, that I know is in the product descriptons, I get the following results... (for example)...


Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 products) Result Pages: 1

There is no product that matches the search criteria.


i.e. it says its found 2 products, but then says "there is no product..." and nothing is displayed.


Entering the Adanced search option gives me exactly the same results.


However, if I enter the Advanced search option, use the same criteria, but identify say just one "manufacturer", I get a sucesful result displayed...e.g.


Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 products) Result Pages: 1

Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 products)


ie I get the same result as before, then a second result listing all the products from the manufacturer identified in the search.


I realise this may be too complex to answer here... so is there a description of the process that someone could point me towards so that I may try and diagnose the problem



and regards



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