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ZIPSHIP ship by zipcodes


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I have been searching the forums.. and How do I allow for shipping that is not in the ZipSHIP module list of zipcodes? and if it is, ONLY use ZIPSHIP price?? I want free shiping except to a few zipcodes the zipship list..


What do I need to do??


HElP or point me to a post that talks about it or lets start one.. I see a bunch of people trying to get it done or figured out.. I also found a bug for a define calling for MODULE_SHIPPING_ZIPSHIP_INVALID_CODE and it was not defined only MODULE_SHIPPING_ZIPSHIP_INVALID_ZONE .. no big deal..


what do I need to do to be able to use zipship ONLY if it finds the zip code, and another module or price for EVERY thing else? should be simple.. ?? maybe a twesk to zipship where every other zip that is not defined option? HELP please..



Help pLease please please please



Eldonthian Leeburstroghm McAllister


"If you make yourselfs sheep, the wolves will eat you!"



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YAY, I figured it out all by my self.. :P


What I did, is interupted the error blok and created my own return array that had a price set at 0 and I already set the define('MODULE_SHIPPING_ZIPSHIP_INVALID_CODE', 'FREE Delivery to your Zip code!');


so in file zhipship.php in includes/modules/shipping at code line # 160 replace

if ($error == true) $this->quotes['error'] = MODULE_SHIPPING_ZIPSHIP_INVALID_CODE;


With this,


f ($error == true){

$this->quotes = array('id' => $this->code,


'methods' => array(array('id' => $this->code,

'title' => '',

'cost' => '0.0')));




and change the define in the zipship located in the languages/english/modules/shipping to say what ever you want...


Hurray... there you go.. Set the cost you want for the rest of your zipcodes.. not sure how to turn this all off if you want to use the other zone features.. this is a quick patch for what I need.. jsut pirce for shipping to certain zips, the rest is free.. Hurray

Eldonthian Leeburstroghm McAllister


"If you make yourselfs sheep, the wolves will eat you!"



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Anothe issue... I see that this shipment module only works with defferent sets of items.. in other words, I am dealing with matresses, and I want to purchase 1 of one style or size, and 1 of another.. The shipment is the same.. though it adds the shipment price for each set of produts.. HOw do I fix that one!!!!??

Eldonthian Leeburstroghm McAllister


"If you make yourselfs sheep, the wolves will eat you!"



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Well that is not what it is.. I do not know why the weights are not working correctly.. I have it set as 9999:200 and weights arounf 6000 come to $400.. DOUBLE my setting.. ???? not sure why?

Eldonthian Leeburstroghm McAllister


"If you make yourselfs sheep, the wolves will eat you!"



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Hi there friend,


If you can, please take a look to this post: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=248033


I'm trying to do something like what you wanted but with another module.


I want to charge a fee to certain zip code ranges and not to other zip ranges. The problem is that the module that I'm using does not allow me to checkout with 0 cost.


I have changed the original checkout_shipping.php to use the free_shipping option if the cost value is 0, but I don't know wich variable or array to use on that place, I know that you know what you'r doing on this kind of coding so if you can give me a hand i'll apreciate.


Waiting for your reply, I send you my best regards



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Hi there friend,


If you can, please take a look to this post: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=248033


I'm trying to do something like what you wanted but with another module.


I want to charge a fee to certain zip code ranges and not to other zip ranges. The problem is that the module that I'm using does not allow me to checkout with 0 cost.


I have changed the original checkout_shipping.php to use the free_shipping option if the cost value is 0, but I don't know wich variable or array to use on that place, I know that you know what you'r doing on this kind of coding so if you can give me a hand i'll apreciate.


Waiting for your reply, I send you my best regards




:o) I know what I m doing... LOL who told you that... I know enough to get into some trouble.. and mabye just enough to work my way out of trouble.. LOL


I have not used this module, Though I had The EXACT same issue with the ZipSHIP.. if you have an address that the zipcode is not listed in the module, then you have a null value returned for the shipping, empty... I found the code in the zipship module php and modified it so it actually returned my 0 shipping cost value and the text saying YAY. free shipping or whatever... I did not think about changing the checkout_shipping.php file.. though you would probably check your statemnet against null of if( n == 0) if you use one equal, it SETS the value.. you need 2 equal signs.. == to compare!!! that is probably your problem!!! uf not.. then check against if(n == null) or if(n < 1) or something.. ?? LEt me know if this helps, if not I can give you the zip code I modified... though I do not think zipShip will allow a Range of zipcodes???


Take care



Eldonthian Leeburstroghm McAllister


"If you make yourselfs sheep, the wolves will eat you!"



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Well after all I put all like it was on the checkout_shipping and changed only the module file.


if ($extraship_cost <= 0 || $total_weight <= 0) {

$error = true;

} else {

$shipping_cost = $extraship_cost;

$shipping_method = MODULE_SHIPPING_EXTRASHIP_TEXT_WAY . ' ' . $dest_shipping . ' : ' . $shipping_weight . ' ' . MODULE_SHIPPING_EXTRASHIP_TEXT_UNITS;





The new code:


if ($extraship_cost <= 0 || $total_weight <= 0) {

$shipping_cost = $extraship_cost;

$shipping_method = '<b>' . $dest_postcode . ' </b>' . MODULE_SHIPPING_EXTRASHIP_TEXT_WITHOUT;


} else {

$shipping_cost = $extraship_cost;

$shipping_method = $dest_postcode . ' = ' . $shipping_cost . ' ' . MODULE_SHIPPING_EXTRASHIP_TEXT_UNITS;



You pointed me on the right direction aniway. Thanks a lot.


Take care


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