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Problem with page parse time


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we have here a huge problem on the index.php site and the page parse them of this site.


25/01/2007 13:02:58 - /shop/index.php (4.545s)


Also we have a testinstallation with a 1:1 copy of the liveshop and there the parsetimes are ok:


25/01/2007 13:02:21 - /testshop/index.php (0.933s)




Interesting also that it only appears on the index.php site. All other pages load quite fast.


Any hints on this problem?




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25/01/2007 13:02:58 - /shop/index.php (4.545s)

25/01/2007 13:02:21 - /testshop/index.php (0.933s)

Interesting also that it only appears on the index.php site.

Maybe .htaccess in home directory? Really 1:1 copy?

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In the meantime I found out its due to the featured products contribution


the main sql query is taking 2.5 - 2.9 seconds:


SELECT p.products_id, p.products_image, p.products_tax_class_id, s.status AS specstat, s.specials_new_products_price, p.products_price

FROM products p

LEFT JOIN specials s ON p.products_id = s.products_id

LEFT JOIN featured f ON p.products_id = f.products_id

WHERE p.products_status = '1'

AND f.status = '1'

ORDER BY rand( 1699398240 ) DESC



The question is now how to speed up this query?

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- try add index on column products_id in table specials.

- about table featured i don't know nothing, but maybe need also index on column products_id



I tried it now in a test environment and indexing really speeds up the thing.


The only point I didnt already do it in production environment is a Warning I get in phpmyadmin:


"Die Index-Typen INDEX und PRIMARY sollten nicht gleichzeitig für die Spalte `products_id` gesetzt sein"


like: The Index Types INDEX and PRIMARY should not be set at the same time for columt products_id



Can I ignore it or worry about ?




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You have 2 tables - specials,featured. First table was without index. If Y trieing add index on indexed column in second table... i don't know nothing about second table. Your informations are deficiently for me. But probably now all is OK, if speed is good. ;)

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