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Categories in Search Results


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I've tried searching but can't find one, but is there a mod so that categories can be displayed for search results. Rather than just return 200 results for a search in one long list, have them broken down by their categories.


Thanks for any help.

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I've tried searching but can't find one, but is there a mod so that categories can be displayed for search results. Rather than just return 200 results for a search in one long list, have them broken down by their categories.


i don't understand.

You want to return the link to the category if I find a product matching my search criteria ?



category : Movies

product : Star Wars the Movie


category : Action Figures

product : Star Wars - Luke Skywalker


So if I search for Star Wars - I ONLY results I get back are :

link to Movies

link to Action Figures


Is this what you're asking ?

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Yes, but I only what the products in those categories that match the search to be displayed.


When you do a search for "Star Wars", instead of returning just a complete list of all products matching "Star Wars", it returns the results by category.


So if I had 500 products with "Star Wars" in the name, I'd like to be able to show the search results by category, not just one big list. As it would make it easier for people to find what they are looking for.



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Yes, but I only what the products in those categories that match the search to be displayed.


When you do a search for "Star Wars", instead of returning just a complete list of all products matching "Star Wars", it returns the results by category.


So if I had 500 products with "Star Wars" in the name, I'd like to be able to show the search results by category, not just one big list. As it would make it easier for people to find what they are looking for.





do you mean display the product, but *group* the results by category ?


search Star Wars.


return :

Category One

match 1

match 2


Category Two

match 1


Category Three

match 1

match 2

match 3

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