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Restore Database Currency Error ?


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Hi All,


I restored my live store to another site.


Performed full backup of SQL Database

Copied and uploaded the catalog files

Restore the database from Backup


All up and running OK Fine.


Only error i noticed is that Currency symbol is missing and it has "?" symbol instead of "£" symbol.


I checked and updated the currency settings but problem is still there.


Any ideas what is causing this problem. thanks

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It has to do with a difference of character sets. Your database is stored as one character set, and the backup file was stored in another.



Thank Kgt for fast reply.


Any idea what character set should i be using when performing restore thanks.

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Thank Kgt for fast reply.


Any idea what character set should i be using when performing restore thanks.



Thanks for your help.

I found the answer


character set client utf8

(Global value) latin1

character set connection utf8

(Global value) latin1

character set database latin1

character set results utf8

(Global value) latin1

character set server latin1

character set system utf8

character sets dir /usr/share/mysql/charsets/

collation connection utf8_unicode_ci

(Global value) latin1_swedish_ci

collation database latin1_swedish_ci

collation server latin1_swedish_ci



It all works fine now.

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