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The e-commerce.

Help!!!! Copying existing site to a second site


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I have one site (site (A)) and I've just setup another site (site (B)) which will look and feel like the new site.


I have copied the files from (A) to (B), created the database, changed the /catalog/includes/configure.php with the new database connect information. But I get the above error Unable to connect to database server!


Can anyone help? Is there any other files I have to change.


Has anyone done this and how did the copy go?





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is Site B on the same webserver as Site A or are you using another host for it?


Sorry I forgot to mention that it is on another host.


I installed oscommerce on the site and the basic oscommerce works. the only thing different is that the admin directory is at a leve above the catalog directoy on site (B). whereas on site (A) it's at the leve below /catalog i.e. /catalog/admin.


I doesn't work when i copy site (A) to site (B) in it's own structure.

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