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SSL Provider Infobox Contribution Install Help Please!


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I'm a bit stuck, I would like to install SSL Provider Infobox Contribution in the instructions it says


Installation Steps:

Q1. Decompress the contribution archive to a temporary folder.


A1. I unzipped them


Q2. Process the ssl_provider.sql file to add the SSL Provider configuration setting to the Admin ~ Configuration ~ My Store panel. A good and secure way to process that file is using phpMyAdmin (http://www.phpmyadmin.net). You can also process it with the mysql console.


A2. Here is where Im stuck, How do I do this, can someone please give basic step by step instructions.


I copied the file into SQL then hit GO! Then it said something like "do you really want to delete/overwrite the file. I dont think I want to be doing that. Anyway, I clicked yes to see what it would do and an error came up. I dont think I really want it overwriting my files.


Can someone please tell me the correct way to do this, Im not quite understanding what it's saying.


Much Appreciated

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go to mySql through your cpanel (control panel), and then to phpMyAdmin


and then over there either use the Import feature (to export the sql file) or use the SQL button and paste the code over there and click go.


See the readme of the contribution, maybe it needs to rewrite some tables.

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Thanks for that :),


For some reason it didnt work when I tried SQL button and paste the code over there and click go. It came up error which is why I posted but

It worked by the Import method.


Now I just need the picture to work, Dont know if you know anything about this mod but the box is there and I uploaded the images to catalog/images but it's not showing up on my home page, just the box with a little red x in it :(


Any idea's?



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Hi Ruth


I cant provide you with in-detail info about this mod, since i have never used it. Check the files and i m sure there u will find the image location, see if both the image name and locations match.


Else post the contribution link and i will se if i can help.

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Hey Lance


Its ok, I worked it out, I just had the wrong image ticked in my admin. Helps if you have the right one ticked. :)


Thanks for your help, Its much Appreciated thank you. :)

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