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The e-commerce.

How can I change the header logo ?


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images/oscommerce.gif - just upload a new image called oscommerce.gif - or else edit includes/header.php




First upload your logo to



then edit



look for this code


<td valign="middle"><?php echo '<a href=''' . tep_href_link (FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '''>' .

tep_image( DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'oscommerce.gif' , 'osCommerce') . '</a>'; ?> </td>


Replace 'oscommerce.gif' with the name of your logo.... 'yourlogoname.gif'...and... 'osCommerce' with 'Your Logo Name or text of your choice' for the Alt text

Hope this helps!

Hope this helps!

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Replace 'oscommerce.gif' with the name of your logo.... 'yourlogoname.gif'...and... 'osCommerce' with 'Your Logo Name or text of your choice' for the Alt text

Hope this helps!


Is there a way to span the logo width so that it fills the cell? I've already tried to increase actual size of logo in photoshop but don't like how it won't reduce when page gets smaller. Also, reduced size and now it is not quite wide enough.


One other side question ... can't seem to find how to add the continue, review, and other buttons/icons.


Any help is appreciated.



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