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I am trying to find out if anyone has or knows of a way to create a wishlist for my oscom site. I am looking for a wishlist page that will allow registered customers to create a wishlist and for that list to be updateable by the customer if they want to add new things to the list. I will create a lsit fo the functions below and maybe someone cud point me in the right direction


Existing Customer Wishlist


1) Add Items

2) Delete Items

3) Email List To A friend

4) When product is available to purchase the item is automatically removed from the person wishlist


5) This list will be viewer from the admin section for myself and I wud be able to send an automatic email when a product on the persons list is added to the store or a manual email if neccesary


New Customers


1) A message appears saying you must sign up to create a wishlist



Bit of a big ask i know but any help or assistance anyone can give would be appreciated






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