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Available Options - setting default option and sort order


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I'm having some trouble trying to sort the available options for a product.


Sometimes these options have a price associated with them, sometimes not.


I've tried the following ways to get options in the order I want them, none seems reliable


-numbering the options so they sort in ascending order

-adding a very very slight charge to the option 0.0001, 0.0002, etc

-changing the order they're entered into the database and/or product


Sometimes it works, sometimes not.


Right now I've got a situation where I show a gold widget, with the notation that it's also available in silver, but no matter what I do, I can't get gold to show up in the default position in the drop-down.


Any ideas?





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You might get the Attribute Sort Contribution that I made. This allows you to define a global setting of by price or by name and then individual sort options per product.


You can also set several attributes in the same attribute sort order and then let the global setting sort the options within that group.


It's taken out of my Free Call for Price v4.0 add-on.


Both are available on my site while I am still making changes and enhancements to them.

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Thanks for the reply.


I tried to install it, but it got too confusing while in admin/categories.php.


My file seems to be a lot different than yours, and it seems like there's more to add than the sections between your BOF and EOF markers, but I can't tell for sure.


If by chance you develop this module so that it has instructions for the brain-dead (that would be me), I'd be anxious to purchase it. :)


thanks again,



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