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The e-commerce.

Moving to osCommerce...


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Hey guys,


I've been looking into moving to osCommerce from EcommerceTemplates. I've used ECT for a while now and just recently found out about osCommerce. Looks like osCommerce has a much larger online community. I guessing this is mainly because its open source.


Has anyone here done the move from ECT to osCommerce? How does osCommerce compare to ECT?



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i've been looking through the forum and it looks like there are a lot of bugs or issues that members are having. Is the stable release of osCommerce stable enough to run an active e-commerce site without any errors?

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Is the stable release of osCommerce stable enough to run an active e-commerce site without any errors?


OSCommerce is stable, well-respected and has a large, active community behind it. Breakages and other issues come from inexperienced users modifying the code incorrectly. That is what the forums are for.

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