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Multi-Tier Pricing


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Well, it appears that I have indeed been away too long. I recently had pause to revisit the thread regarding multi-tiered product pricing for which I had posted a 'Complete' solution. This solution handles an infinite number of pricing levels - 'AS-IS'.


However, it appears that a complete and thorough mis-understanding of the code has led to some rather creative (can you say naive) solutions to a non-existent problem. It is evident that while intentions were very good, there were many assertions made as to how to implement the solution that were and are totally INCORRECT and UNNECESSARY.


But, perhaps I am being too harsh.... perhaps not. I have seen this kind of implementation/solution more often than not, especially in the PHP/MySQL realm and I am not as tollerant of them as others.


IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING... DON'T HELP. In this case, someone took an elegant solutions and totally screwed it up. So... I am going to shut up now before I piss more people off than I probably already have.


Next time (if there is a next time) that I post a solution I will NOT assume ANYTHING about the ability of the reader to comprehend and implement it.... lest they 'fix' it for me again.


Here is the thread to which I am referring:



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