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taxes and zones


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I apologize if this question has been posted already before but I could not find any postings with the answer.


I have the problem that I define tax zones but that customers living outside of these tax zones do still get taxes charged to their orders.


How can I prevent that?


More in general. The store is in country A. Customers from country A need to pay taxes. Customers from any other country do not need to pay taxes. How do I set it up?

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Did you ever find an answer to this? My situation is CA residents pay tax but all shoppers are shown tax when checking out wethor or not they live in CA.


I've been able to edit heading and titles here and there to say CA Residents Sales Tax but it seems like a catch 22; Either show all shoppers CA tax or show no shoppers tax and surprise CA shoppers when the bill comes.


I need ideas?

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Go to www.ocsdox.com and download their user manual. Page 41 includes instructions for setting up taxes. I set mine up for Texas and it works just fine for TX residents and non-residents.

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  • 1 year later...

My problem is that all prices are shown without tax, and tax is not added in the cart. I have set up to show prices with tax, but products are still showing without. On every product price is set net and then the tax is automatically added (and that is correct). But why is the prices shown without taxes to the customer?


I did not find any solution to the problem with tax at the site recommended. Anyone who can give the full URL?

This URL gives no information: http://www.oscdox.com/modules.php?op=modlo...nLocationsTaxes





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