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Somebody so can install for $20 dollar


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Can I just point something out here? Installing the software is the easiest part of setting up a store. If you can't get installed yourself, you're never going to get a store up and running. I'd suggest you contact a full service hosting company that will provide support and programming for you, but then again, that's just my opinion.

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Can I just point something out here? Installing the software is the easiest part of setting up a store. If you can't get installed yourself, you're never going to get a store up and running. I'd suggest you contact a full service hosting company that will provide support and programming for you, but then again, that's just my opinion.


Don't be too discouraging to the new folks ... I wrote the Free Call for Price Add-on long before I had a clue on how to update the database files, manipulate the MySQL database from within phpMyAdmin etc.


Sure there is a learning curve, but sometimes we, at least for me, just need to see something done once to get a clue ... why? Cause we see with our hands where others can see through a book ... that's a nice way of saying 'cause sometimes we're slow or just need someone to hold a bright flashlight for us.


As an offline programmer, I could do circles around anyone with a database ... online I was lost at the stop sign. But once I saw things done, life became a lot easier.


I know you mean well in your advice, but there wasn't a smile of encouragement in there :D

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