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Order Confirmation does not go


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I did a fresh installation of osCommerce 2.2


I went through to test how the credit card transactions would work. I typed in the my fake credit card number and then the next page was just blank. The URL is checkout_confirmation.php.


Any ideas?'




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Bumping is not allowed, you have been warned.

What gateway are you using? You have to set up the appropriate module according to the gateway you are using prior to running through a test credit card number.

Andrew Yuen

osCommerce, Community Team

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Bumping is not allowed, you have been warned.

What gateway are you using? You have to set up the appropriate module according to the gateway you are using prior to running through a test credit card number.


Sorry - didn't realize about the bump.


I only have the credit card gateway enabled. When I login to the admin panel and try to adjust anything and click update it doesn't seem to want to update (which might be the issue altogether).




this is a test install.. itll be completely blown out to setup the production version.

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When I login to the admin panel and try to adjust anything and click update it doesn't seem to want to update


This is due to a (not very well documented) bug in the latest release of OSCommerce. See here for the fix:



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