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Index Picture


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This might seem like a silly question to some, but I have searched everywhere on the forums and cant find an answer.


I have already removed the 'whats new for january' picture boxes, and now I am left with a massive void on the index. I would like to just put one picture on the index to fill the space, but have no idea how.


Im not a programmer, so please don't use jargon, but I can find my way around the files, upload, and edit the .php stuff - so any guidance would be gratefully received.


Many thanks in advance

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OK - i've looked a bit harder and found this in the contributions






All you need to do is add


<img src="www.yourdomain.com/location of your image.gif">


into your description text at the place where you would like your image to appear in the description.


Position your picture in the center of the description by adding <p align="center"></p>


ie <p align="center"><img src="www.yourdomain.com/location of your image.gif"></p>


you could change "center" to left or right for desired position


Add <br> for each line you would like to add before or after your picture.


Resize your pictures simply by changing the height and width values (the numbers represent pixels, remember if you want to resize you need to keep the ratio of width and height, ie in the code below to half the size of the picture the height would be 100 and the width 200).




<img src="images/creditcards.gif" width="400" height="200"








and so i've added this


<p align="center"></p><img src="www.gross-misconduct.com/home/grossmis/public_html/images/8473.jpg"

width="500" height="1000">



to my index php but now i've got the outline, but no picture - so can anyone help me and say where i've gone wrong



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Having solved one problem i've created another.


My picture is aligned to the left, how can I add text to the right of the picture?



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