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The e-commerce.

FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it!


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SOS! I'm tired of getting this message! I follow the instructions and upload the 'catalog' dir to the web-server. after creating database and active user on server I try to install the oscommerce by going to adress: www.mywebsite.com/catalog/install/ . I only get this message -


FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it!


I don't know what to do! I've serched for file php.ini in the catalog - useless. I've searched all configure.php for the string 'register_globals' - useless. I've tried several web-hosters - useless.


HELP me please! I'm full of despiration!

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SOS! I'm tired of getting this message! I follow the instructions and upload the 'catalog' dir to the web-server. after creating database and active user on server I try to install the oscommerce by going to adress: www.mywebsite.com/catalog/install/ . I only get this message -


FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it!


I don't know what to do! I've serched for file php.ini in the catalog - useless. I've searched all configure.php for the string 'register_globals' - useless. I've tried several web-hosters - useless.


HELP me please! I'm full of despiration!

No offence but did you try searching the forum ?!

Take a read here ie. to fix your problem.

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