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Posted (edited)



This module seems like it is going to be a great help to me, I just need to get it set up =)


I am having problems with the actual checkout (not sandbox). When I try to do direct checkout with the I get the following error message:


Your credit card was declined. Please try another card or contact your bank for more info.


Gateway Decline (10505)

This transaction cannot be processed.


Does anyone have any idea why this would be? Express payment seems to work fine.


The error dump in the email I get in below:


In function: before_process() - Direct Payment

Did first contact attempt return error? Yes



------------This is the information that was sent to PayPal----------


[?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?]

[soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema]


[RequesterCredentials xmlns=urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI]

[Credentials xmlns=urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents]








[DoDirectPaymentReq xmlns=urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI]


[Version xmlns=urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents]2.0[/Version]

[DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails xmlns=urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents]



[OrderTotal currencyID=USD]6[/OrderTotal]

[OrderDescription]Order placed on January 17, 2007, 8:19 pm by Tate Lucas (ID: 4)[/OrderDescription]

[itemTotal currencyID=USD]1[/itemTotal]

[shippingTotal currencyID=USD]5.00[/shippingTotal]

[HandlingTotal currencyID=USD][/HandlingTotal]

[TaxTotal currencyID=USD]0[/TaxTotal]

[Custom]Phone: 513-731-7400 -- Email: [email protected][/Custom]





[Name]Tate Lucas[/Name]

[street1]3500 Madison Road[/street1]







[PaymentDetailsItem][Name]Smooch Boys Shirt[/Name][Amount currencyID=USD]1[/Amount][Number]28 ()[/Number][Quantity]1[/Quantity][/PaymentDetailsItem]




[Payer][email protected][/Payer]






[street1]3500 Madison Road[/street1]






















-------------------This is the response from PayPal------------------




[security] =>

[RequesterCredentials] => Array


[0] => Array


[Credentials] => Array


[0] => Array


[username] =>

[Password] =>

[subject] =>









[DoDirectPaymentResponse] => Array


[0] => Array


[Timestamp] => 2007-01-18T02:19:35Z

[Ack] => Failure

[CorrelationID] => 82a3f6a1a594a

[Errors] => Array


[0] => Array


[shortMessage] => Gateway Decline

[LongMessage] => This transaction cannot be processed.

[ErrorCode] => 10505

[severityCode] => Error

[ErrorParameters] => Array


[0] => Array


[Value] => PPAV









[Version] => 2.000000

[build] => 1.0006

[Amount] => 6.00

[AVSCode] => N

[CVV2Code] => M










--------Results of the transaction search if it was executed---------


Edited by The_Bear

I think I posted this in the wrong thread. Sorry! =)




This module seems like it is going to be a great help to me, I just need to get it set up =)


I am having problems with the actual checkout (not sandbox). When I try to do direct checkout with the I get the following error message:


Your credit card was declined. Please try another card or contact your bank for more info.


Gateway Decline (10505)

This transaction cannot be processed.


Does anyone have any idea why this would be? Express payment seems to work fine.

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