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  • 1 month later...

I have installed this system and tax is showing in the Certitax side but not in my store, I think its a nusoap version issue. it works but has errors and if we change/versions it goes away, both errors and tax.


Any ideas?

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I have installed this system and tax is showing in the Certitax side but not in my store, I think its a nusoap version issue. it works but has errors and if we change/versions it goes away, both errors and tax.


Any ideas?


Please give me more information such as, but not limited to:

Which OSCommerce version are you using?

Are you trying to display prices with tax in your store before checkout?

Does your store work other than not displaying the tax durring checkout, or are you getting a blank white screen or errors displaying?

Does the store charge (but does not display) the appropriate tax durring a transaction?

Are orders finalized on the certitax server after a successful transaction?

What errors are you recieving in your error logs?


Check to see if PHP is compiled with CURL. You can do this with phpinfo(); . I just realized I forgot to include that CURL is required in the install instructions.

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Please give me more information such as, but not limited to:

Which OSCommerce version are you using?

Are you trying to display prices with tax in your store before checkout?

Does your store work other than not displaying the tax durring checkout, or are you getting a blank white screen or errors displaying?

Does the store charge (but does not display) the appropriate tax durring a transaction?

Are orders finalized on the certitax server after a successful transaction?

What errors are you recieving in your error logs?


Check to see if PHP is compiled with CURL. You can do this with phpinfo(); . I just realized I forgot to include that CURL is required in the install instructions.


Please give me more information such as, but not limited to:

Which OSCommerce version are you using? osCommerce 2.2

Are you trying to display prices with tax in your store before checkout? Y

Does your store work other than not displaying the tax durring checkout, or are you getting a blank white screen or errors displaying? Not showing tax, then blank screen when confirming order.

Does the store charge (but does not display) the appropriate tax durring a transaction? Does not charge tax

Are orders finalized on the certitax server after a successful transaction? We are still in demo mode, testing to be used on another store.

What errors are you recieving in your error logs? None other than the blank screen


Checking with the CURL, pretty sure this all has to do with the nusoap file. different version or something.

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Here is the error i am recieving:


Warning: curl_setopt() [function.curl-setopt]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when in safe_mode or an open_basedir is set in /home/tugboat/public_html/store/includes/classes/nusoap.php on line 2161

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After trying to confirm:


Warning: curl_setopt() [function.curl-setopt]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when in safe_mode or an open_basedir is set in /home/tugboat/public_html/store/includes/classes/nusoap.php on line 2161


Warning: curl_setopt() [function.curl-setopt]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when in safe_mode or an open_basedir is set in /home/tugboat/public_html/store/includes/classes/nusoap.php on line 2161


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/tugboat/public_html/store/includes/classes/nusoap.php:2161) in /home/tugboat/public_html/store/includes/functions/general.php on line 33



Here is the PHP Version we are running:

PHP Version 4.4.4

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I had to put in Kentucky tax (where I'm from) manually, isn't this system supposed to read tax automatically? So, the sales tax shows, without errors, but the screen goes white after I try to CONFIRM ORDER.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry it took me so long to get back, I never received an email digest like i was suppose to.


Are orders finalized on the certitax server after a successful transaction? We are still in demo mode, testing to be used on another store.

You will need a username and password from certitax to use on thier production server. Make sure you input your credentials into the control panel. Otherwise your request will not be authorized and it will return nothing.


Are you trying to display prices with tax in your store before checkout? Y

You cannot display your item prices with tax in your store pages using this module. To do that would require a call to the certitax server for every product for every visitor and could add up to be thousands of calls to the certitax server. Because the certitax service charges you for every call, this module only allows you to get the total tax durring the checkout process.


Warning: curl_setopt() [function.curl-setopt]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when in safe_mode or an open_basedir is set in /home/tugboat/public_html/store/includes/classes/nusoap.php on line 2161

This error is the cause of the blank white screen durring the checkout confirmation. This module needs to use the funtion curl_setopt(), and this error message tell you it cannot for one of two reasons. It is most likely the first reason, which is you probably have PHP set to safe_mode. This module will not work at all under safe_mode since it requires sending information to another server with curl.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, I haad it working, then all the sudden its gone.


First it was showing 2 lines for tax, like this:


Sub-Total: $52.27

Shipping Table Rate (Ground): $12.75

6% Sales Tax: $3.14


Total: $68.92


So, I deleted the "Taxabel Goods" from the Tax Classes in Admin. whwen I did this both tax lines are missing, not caluating at all. Any help here?

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Add Taxable Goods back as a tax class in the admin panel. Remove any tax rates you have in the admin panel. Your store was getting the tax from Certitax and another tax rate from the tax rates in the admin panel. Certitax should be your only tax source.


Also, STATE SALES TAX: should have the State name in front of it, ex. - NEW YORK STATE SALES TAX. Double check your installation.

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Add Taxable Goods back as a tax class in the admin panel. Remove any tax rates you have in the admin panel. Your store was getting the tax from Certitax and another tax rate from the tax rates in the admin panel. Certitax should be your only tax source.


Also, STATE SALES TAX: should have the State name in front of it, ex. - NEW YORK STATE SALES TAX. Double check your installation.

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The two location variables being sent to the certitax server in orders.php based on the installation instuctions should be $shipping_address['countries_iso_code_3'] and $shipping_address['entry_postcode'].


$certitax_nusoap = tep_get_certitax_rate($shipping_address['countries_iso_code_3'],$shipping_address['entry_postcode'], $_SESSION['certi_subtotal'], $_SESSION['certi_shipping'], 'test_22');


Make sure they were not changed to $billing_address[''].


Check the certitax control panel for transaction logs, they will show the address used for the tax lookup.


NOTE: I just thought of the possibility of a bug if you are using a secondary shipping address. Let me know if this is the case and I will look into it.

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The two location variables being sent to the certitax server in orders.php based on the installation instuctions should be $shipping_address['countries_iso_code_3'] and $shipping_address['entry_postcode'].


$certitax_nusoap = tep_get_certitax_rate($shipping_address['countries_iso_code_3'],$shipping_address['entry_postcode'], $_SESSION['certi_subtotal'], $_SESSION['certi_shipping'], 'test_22');


Make sure they were not changed to $billing_address[''].


Check the certitax control panel for transaction logs, they will show the address used for the tax lookup.


NOTE: I just thought of the possibility of a bug if you are using a secondary shipping address. Let me know if this is the case and I will look into it.


I am sure this may be the problem. Also, my tech at Certitax says everything is calulating correctly, it just is not pointing to the shipping address field to the calculate method.


here is the portion of orders.php with the certitax info:



if (USE_CERTI_CALC == 'true'){

if ($_SESSION['call_certitax'] == 'true'){

if ($_SESSION['certitaxID'] && $_SESSION['certi_subtotal'] && $_SESSION['certi_shipping']) {

if ($_SESSION['certi_subtotal'] != $this->info['subtotal'] || $_SESSION['certi_shipping'] != $this->info['shipping_cost']){

$_SESSION['certi_subtotal'] = $this->info['subtotal'];

if ($this->info['shipping_cost']) {

$_SESSION['certi_shipping'] = $this->info['shipping_cost'];

} else {

$_SESSION['certi_shipping'] = 0;


$certitax_nusoap = tep_get_certitax_rate($shipping_address['countries_iso_code_3'],$shipping_address['entry_postcode'], $_SESSION['certi_subtotal'], $_SESSION['certi_shipping'], 'test_22');

$_SESSION['certitaxID'] = $certitax_nusoap["CertiTAXTransactionId"];

$_SESSION['certi_TotalTax'] = $certitax_nusoap["TotalTax"];

$this->info['tax'] = $_SESSION['certi_TotalTax'];

$_SESSION['certi_description'] = $certitax_nusoap["StateTaxAuthority"] . ' STATE SALES TAX';

$products_tax_description = $_SESSION['certi_description'];

$this->info['tax_groups']["$products_tax_description"] = $_SESSION['certi_TotalTax'];

} else {

$this->info['tax'] = $_SESSION['certi_TotalTax'];

$products_tax_description = $_SESSION['certi_description'];

$this->info['tax_groups']["$products_tax_description"] = $_SESSION['certi_TotalTax'];

}} else {

$_SESSION['certi_subtotal'] = $this->info['subtotal'];

if ($this->info['shipping_cost']) {

$_SESSION['certi_shipping'] = $this->info['shipping_cost'];

} else {

$_SESSION['certi_shipping'] = 0;


$certitax_nusoap = tep_get_certitax_rate($shipping_address['countries_iso_code_3'],$shipping_address['entry_postcode'], $_SESSION['certi_subtotal'], $_SESSION['certi_shipping'], date("H:i:s"));

$_SESSION['certitaxID'] = $certitax_nusoap["CertiTAXTransactionId"];

$_SESSION['certi_TotalTax'] = $certitax_nusoap["TotalTax"];

$this->info['tax'] = $_SESSION['certi_TotalTax'];

$_SESSION['certi_description'] = $certitax_nusoap["StateTaxAuthority"] . ' STATE SALES TAX';

$products_tax_description = $_SESSION['certi_description'];

$this->info['tax_groups']["$products_tax_description"] = $_SESSION['certi_TotalTax'];


$_SESSION['call_certitax'] = 'false';



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Now its showing all the tax amounts, but not taxing:


Sub-Total: $278.39

Shipping Table Rate (Ground): $22.75

0% Sales Tax + 7% Sales Tax + 6.5% Sales Tax + 6.25% Sales Tax + 6% Sales Tax + 5.6% Sales Tax + 5.5% Sales Tax + 5.3% Sales Tax + 5% Sales Tax + 4.75% Sales Tax + 4.5% Sales Tax + 4.225% Sales Tax + 4% Sales Tax + 2.9% Sales Tax + 7.25% Sales Tax: $27.59

Total: $301.14

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  • 2 weeks later...
Now its showing all the tax amounts, but not taxing:


Sub-Total: $278.39

Shipping Table Rate (Ground): $22.75

0% Sales Tax + 7% Sales Tax + 6.5% Sales Tax + 6.25% Sales Tax + 6% Sales Tax + 5.6% Sales Tax + 5.5% Sales Tax + 5.3% Sales Tax + 5% Sales Tax + 4.75% Sales Tax + 4.5% Sales Tax + 4.225% Sales Tax + 4% Sales Tax + 2.9% Sales Tax + 7.25% Sales Tax: $27.59

Total: $301.14


Are you using any other tax mods? The xml response from the certitax server does not return tax rates, only the actual tax. You must be trying to set up tax elsewhere in your store.

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This has been fixed. But now I'm moving towards the final steps: adding skus to Certitax and how that is read from oscommerce to certitax.


Here is what my Certitax tech rep is saying:


If you only have basically 2 types of taxable products 1. Clothing Items. 2. Non Clothing Items.


Then really all you would need is 2 Sku's one tied to 0000000 which is general merchandise. And one tied to 0003001 General Clothing. And if

you are passing a non clothing item then pass sku 1 or if you are passing a clothing item pass sku2.



Let me know if you can help here...




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