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The e-commerce.

Second revamped Osc Site


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I have just revamped a second of my original sites.


It’s not based on a template, It’s actually a copy of my previous http://www.bearlythere.co.uk site but has been further modded with the ‘specials on default’ (set to random) contribution and re-skinned.


I’m not a big fan of dark backgrounds, but my friends who wanted the shop like a darker feel to keep it consistent with their advertising and business image, nevertheless, by finishing off the thumbnails I think the scheme works well.


Comments and / or suggestion would be much appreciated:




The shop is not ‘live’ yet (as of 17/1/2007) and the products should be treated as fictitious.







Hey Gary,


I have always felt that it is best to use a diffused background that reads well with black text. http://www.guuui.com use to have research demonstrating this best but the site seems to have dissapeared.


The only color scheme advice I staunchly recommend is one that accommodates blue hyperlinks that look like this..

Best Regards,



Victor Wise


A very nice site - congrats.


One small point - in your header where it says 'your cart has 1 item' i'd put a link beside this - "view | checkout" or something - theres nothing more annoying than looking for links - even though you have a link in the menu bar , i'd still repeat it.


Good Luck, hope it goes well.

A very nice site - congrats.


One small point - in your header where it says 'your cart has 1 item' i'd put a link beside this - "view | checkout" or something - theres nothing more annoying than looking for links - even though you have a link in the menu bar , i'd still repeat it.


Good Luck, hope it goes well.

From one bear marker, to you

I love it

You did a great job

great site

blessings Kalli


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