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Cart is emtpy once customer signs in - Using shared SSL


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For some reason when I go through and choose a couple products and add them to the cart and go to checkout, then I when I login they are gone. We are using a shared SSl, so it switches the url to the shared secure domain. What do I need to do to get the cart to follow the user once they login securely?


Thank you,


JB Hasman


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I figured it out. When I edited /include/configure.php and added the shared SSL path, I didn't see this field that must be changed as well...


define('HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'yourdomain.com');


This must be pointed to the SSL domain. If it is a shared SSL and your path is something like this https://secure.myhostdomain.com/~username, you don't need to include the ~username, just the https://secure.myhostdomain.com.


Thank you,


Jay Hasman


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