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<echo php?... for manufacturer entry?


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Would like to add the manufacturer in the title description in index, product_info, etc.


<title><?php echo TITLE; ?></title>


Can anyone assist with the manufacturer equivalent of TITLE ? Or where I can find these variables?

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I.e. I want the title on the index/product_info pages to mention


"the manufacturer name" at "shop name". Is this as simple as I am making myself to believe based on a few years of plodding away on a vic20 a few years ago?

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each product maybe associated with a manufacturer. So you cannot do it for the front page unless you want to hard-code something but only for the case where osc displays products by manufacturer. For the product_info you could retrieve the manufacturer's name the same way the manufacturer's info box does.


See the catalog\includes\boxes\manufacturer_info.php how it displays the manufacturer name. Just use the same coding without the display and append the name to the title inside the product_info.php


Alternatively you could check the metatags related contributions. They set the page titles and other tags and have many features.

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