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Hi All


I've got 2 problems with Paypal. If I try to use the standard Paypal module then Paypal just shows a total, not the line items. I thought this was a Paypal config issue but apparently not.


Secondly, if I use the Paypal IPN module then it just says "Cart is empty" when I get to the Paypal site.


Any ideas???





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Paypal IPN is the most reliable Paypal contrib. Have you re-checked the install?


There is also another contrib (link below) that transfers the item descriptions/styleno's to Paypal. However, this is not super reliable as it only transfers a limited string (i.e. if a customer buys 6 items she/he will only see perhaps 3-4 of these).



(have changed since I used it and may have improved since then)

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It's the official OSC one that I installed - downloaded today. It's weird that the standard Paypal one sort of works but this one doesn't do anything at all.


Thanks anyway.



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Sorry, to answer your question, I haven't checked the install as it just appears to be a bunch of files that you upload. Maybe I'm missing something?



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I just changed it to aggregate rather than per item and it works now in as much as Payal shows a total. However, this is no good if I want it to list the line items on Paypal as well.


Again, any ideas would be great!



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