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The e-commerce.

Error in Fresh installation


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I'm a new to this software and try to install.

I have installed WAMPSERVER 5 on win xp

Apache 2.0.59

PHP 5.2.0 + PECL

MySQL 5.0.27


and tried to install osCommerce.


I got this error (FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it!)

when I tried to install from following




Thanks for your help.



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I'm a new to this software and try to install.

I have installed WAMPSERVER 5 on win xp

Apache 2.0.59

PHP 5.2.0 + PECL

MySQL 5.0.27


and tried to install osCommerce.


I got this error (FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it!)

when I tried to install from following




Thanks for your help.




Contact your hoster and ask them to enable register globals and ideally give you the possibility to enable or disable.

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Contact your hoster and ask them to enable register globals and ideally give you the possibility to enable or disable.

It seems an installation on his local machine so he can do any changes himself. You would have to go to your Wamp/bin directory, edit the php.ini and change the register_globals setting.

As more and more hosting companies put register_globals off by default it might be a better idea to fetch a register global contribution and start preparing your shop for register globals off also.

Also make sure you download the latest osCommerce package seeing you are on MySql5 and PHP5 !

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