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Shipping Error - Invalid Zone


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Hi All,


I tried, unsuccessfully to install the "Zones by State" module and could not get it to work, so I replaced the files that I modified according to the read me, and basically reverted back to the default install.


Currently I only have ...


Enable Zones USA Method


Set and I have the 48 continental states set as Zone 1 and AK and HI as Zone 2.


Now regardless of which "Zone" I use, I get...


Shipping Method

This is currently the only shipping method available to use on this order.


Economy Shipping, Best Way

Invalid Zone


... and I cannot see what I messed up?


The only references I see to this error anywhere in this forum is in regards to is here.


I appreciate the help, I am trying to go "live" with this today.


Thanks a lot,




Quick Append:


I noted that the "states" in the shipping address form is a text field with no explanation or option to pick the state from a drop down menu. So naturally, I enter "PA" since I am in Pennsylvania and hit submit. Then I get an error telling me to "pick the state from the drop-down menu." That menu should have been on the original page and I wouldn't have received an error.


I wonder if this is causing the "Invalid Zone" error, but remembered that the shipping did work before I attempted the mod.


Just a thought,


Thanks again,




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