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New product description help


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Hello, I just installed oScommerce and I ahve two questions.


1. How do you know what version of oscommerce you have.


2. Im having a problem, when I add a new product to one of my catagories the description gets cut off. for example in the new product description in the admin section i type :Chrome Rear Antenna Base

Zinc die cast



and i preview and the entire description is there but when I go to my store it shows this:Chrome Rear Antenna Base

Zinc die cast.



Help what am I doing wrong.... :blush:


Depends what custom modules you have for your store. There are some contributions for instance that cut-off product descriptions in the listings. However if you go the the product_info page you should see the full description.


Check in your database under phpMyAdmin>oscommerce>"products_description" table, specifically the "products_name" field. Under the Type column for that field, you might see "varchar(xx)" (xx is your own variable set width for the product's name). Change this to suit.


If the field's allowed character length is not your problem, when you entered the product name during create/edit product, did you use <br> to force the "Year:1959-1960" to start a new line?



It's all just ones and zeros....


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