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I cannot succesfully update any of the changes I make to any of the Payment Modules.


E.G. 'PayPal' or 'PROTX'


I press install from the admin section, when I select update - all my changes revert to the default.


Can anyone help?


I've tried updating to the new version of osCommerce 060817.

I've checked the permissions and they seem to be unusual e.g lots of dashes....


I have been stuck all week and with the shop due to 'Go Live', I would appreciate any help or guidance.


Kind Regards



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I cannot succesfully update any of the changes I make to any of the Payment Modules.


E.G. 'PayPal' or 'PROTX'


I press install from the admin section, when I select update - all my changes revert to the default.


Can anyone help?


I've tried updating to the new version of osCommerce 060817.

I've checked the permissions and they seem to be unusual e.g lots of dashes....


I have been stuck all week and with the shop due to 'Go Live', I would appreciate any help or guidance.


Kind Regards



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Good to know I'm not alone, was wondering why even the stock payment modules were losing changes though I can see the default values in the database.


php 4.4.4-8

apache 1.3.34-4

mysql 5.0.30-3

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Good to know I'm not alone, was wondering why even the stock payment modules were losing changes though I can see the default values in the database.


php 4.4.4-8

apache 1.3.34-4

mysql 5.0.30-3


In the catalog/admin/modules.php file around line 42 I had to add this line to reset the array index.




I dont know if this os OK or messes up some other part of the code (Any expert out there, please advise), but it works for me.



This is the block of code that I placed the above code snippet into.




if (tep_not_null($action)) {

switch ($action) {

case 'save':


while (list($key, $value) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS['configuration'])) {

tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " set configuration_value = '" . $value . "' where configuration_key = '" . $key . "'");


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