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Changing background color and design


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I am still running my shop in white, but I'm not happy with it anymore. Where can I change the background colors or designs? Are there ready-made templates available? How can I look at my index.php page, without having to upload it? It only comes out looking like text, when I look at it from my local mashine. Thanks so much for your help.

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I am still running my shop in white, but I'm not happy with it anymore. Where can I change the background colors or designs? Are there ready-made templates available? How can I look at my index.php page, without having to upload it? It only comes out looking like text, when I look at it from my local mashine. Thanks so much for your help.

Here's a quick place to go to find the templates:


or you could just go to catalog/stylesheet.css and manulipate the colors there.

I host with Yahoo and they have a control panel for me to view my pages from so I'm not much help with that one.


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I am still running my shop in white, but I'm not happy with it anymore. Where can I change the background colors or designs? Are there ready-made templates available? How can I look at my index.php page, without having to upload it? It only comes out looking like text, when I look at it from my local mashine. Thanks so much for your help.


Have you looked at the stylesheet.css file.You can change the look quite a bit with it.


the definitions of the stylesheet can be seen here:


Backup before making changes. Backup before making changes! Backup before making changes!!


You did do a backup? eh?

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