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The e-commerce.

Upgrade problem


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Two separate cases, same result:


1. I installed an oscommerce shop in one of my domains, and had it working. I installed it through Fantastico, available on my hosting account. When I went to my control panel today I got a message that the installation was out of date. There was a link to upgrade to the latest version. I decided to take the chance and upgraded.


Now when I try to get to either the shop or the admin area I get this message:


Server Requirement Error: register_globals is disabled in your PHP configuration. This can be enabled in your php.ini configuration file or in the .htaccess file in your catalog directory.


2. I made a new installation of oscommerce for another domain today (also through Fantastico). Obviously I installed the latest version right off. I got the same error message.


Here's what I tried: I hunted through the files for some kind of "catalog" directory - although there are so many folders I had no idea where to look - and I looked for files named php.ini. I looked at the .htaccess file and could not see what to change there. Besides, there is more than one .htaccess file.


I admit I am not a programmer, but I have worked with a lot of these types of programs so I am capable of following directions if they are clear enough. I simply cannot get enough information from this message. Can anyone help?

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