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How To: Remove Total Weight Display on Shipping Page

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Currently I am using the zone rates shipping module.


I'm still digging through all of the files but wonder if any one knows how to remove the display of the total weight for the order.


Currently it displays as example:


Delivering to AE : 0 lb(s) 0.00AED


Think it's possible to remove the "0 lb(s)" from being displayed?


Searching the boards now along with continuing to search the files to see if I can locate it but any ideas some one can offer would really help out..


Many Thanks -- Mindy

Currently I am using the zone rates shipping module.


I'm still digging through all of the files but wonder if any one knows how to remove the display of the total weight for the order.


Currently it displays as example:


Delivering to AE : 0 lb(s) 0.00AED


Think it's possible to remove the "0 lb(s)" from being displayed?


Searching the boards now along with continuing to search the files to see if I can locate it but any ideas some one can offer would really help out..


Many Thanks -- Mindy


Sorry for replying to my own post but I finally figured this out. Since I'm using the zone rates shipping module I dug through it until I found what I thought was the correct part to remove. It worked..


For anyone else using this shipping method that may want to later do the same thing to not display the total weight for the order look for the following:


in catalog/includes/modules/shipping/zones.php

Find ---------------
$shipping_method = MODULE_SHIPPING_ZONES_TEXT_WAY . ' ' . $dest_country . ' : ' . $shipping_weight . ' ' . MODULE_SHIPPING_ZONES_TEXT_UNITS;


Remove the bit that pertains to the shipping_weight

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