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Web Install not working?


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I've used OSC before, but never installed it myself. though I'm a developer, i thought i should post here before i start looking at the code.


I'm running fedora core 4,

I've just downloaded and unpacked the scripts.


I go to the site in my browser, and select a new install.

I get to "Please customize the new installation with the following options:",

i select both options, and click "continue", this just brings me back to the same page, over and over again.

and returns no error messages, does anyone know whats going on here?


I know alot of people use this software, and theres nothing special about my server.


any help would be great.



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thanks for your replies!


I have all the permissions correctly set. and still nothing, I would like to use this for an online for store, but if this first step is any sign of how the rest of the system will be, then it doesn't look good.

also I've found a great lack of commenting in the code, so going into the scripts to find the problem has also become difficult.


I will try the manual install, and see how that goes.

but is this a common problem?


thanks again,


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