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QPBPP & EasyPopulate


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Hi Guys,


I know i'm relatively new on this forum and I dont often get many replies but If someone could help me with this please...I can't work it out.


Is there anyway that EasyPopulate can fetch and update the price break data held in the products database for the Quantity Price Breaks Per Product contribution.


Below is the table info that I inserted into the database:


alter table products add column products_price1 decimal(15,4) not null default 0.0;
alter table products add column products_price2 decimal(15,4) not null default 0.0;
alter table products add column products_price3 decimal(15,4) not null default 0.0;
alter table products add column products_price4 decimal(15,4) not null default 0.0;
alter table products add column products_price5 decimal(15,4) not null default 0.0;
alter table products add column products_price6 decimal(15,4) not null default 0.0;
alter table products add column products_price7 decimal(15,4) not null default 0.0;
alter table products add column products_price8 decimal(15,4) not null default 0.0;
alter table products add column products_price1_qty int not null default 0;
alter table products add column products_price2_qty int not null default 0;
alter table products add column products_price3_qty int not null default 0;
alter table products add column products_price4_qty int not null default 0;
alter table products add column products_price5_qty int not null default 0;
alter table products add column products_price6_qty int not null default 0;
alter table products add column products_price7_qty int not null default 0;
alter table products add column products_price8_qty int not null default 0;
alter table products add column products_qty_blocks int not null default 1;


If someone could help me i'd really appreciate it.

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yes you can do that. But you need to either write your own code or ask in the EP thread in case someone already did that. If you do your own code, you could follow the products_price in easypopulate.php and see how it is done. Do the coding initially just for one field till it works, before adding every QPBPP product field for processing.

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