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The e-commerce.

Order By Quantity Only - Is This Possible?


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Hi there, thanks for your anticipated help on this one


I am using OScommerce to develop an online wholesale store for a new company. However they have strict rules on buying product.


Products have a minimum order quantity (i.e. 3) but customers can not buy 4 of the product, if they wanted more they would have to order in 3's ... and buy 6 of the product.


Sometimes this number is different per product - is there a contribution that can do this already?



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Hi there, thanks for your anticipated help on this one


I am using OScommerce to develop an online wholesale store for a new company. However they have strict rules on buying product.


Products have a minimum order quantity (i.e. 3) but customers can not buy 4 of the product, if they wanted more they would have to order in 3's ... and buy 6 of the product.


Sometimes this number is different per product - is there a contribution that can do this already?




Hi Paul - I've spent a lot of time searching contribs lately and don't recall anything specific to this, although that doesn't mean it's not out there.


But...the first thought I had, was why not just set the product up so that 1 unit actually equals the numbers they must order. I.E. - Whey they order 1 of Product A they actually get 3, 2 they actually get 6, etc. I would think as long as it's clearly stated in the product info that each item is really a lot, so to speak, that might be less confusing.



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Hi there all, thanks for getting back to me


The contrib that you suggested Rudders would suit my needs but the install is based on a fresh oscommerce install and we have many other contribs running on the store.


I think I will just go with the option specified above, unless somebody steams in and saves the day :)

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