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The e-commerce.

Table space still occupied after removal of boxes


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osCommerce is a really great product and this board rocks! I'm still a starter in web-design, but feel more confident every day..


I have moved some boxes from the column_right into the column_left. Now, I want to remove all of the remaining boxes from the right-side. According to the osCommerce documentation pages, this can be done by commenting-out the relevant lines in includes/column_right.php file. This works well, but the space of column_right remains occupied.


In another attempt, I have removed the entire right navication section in the index.php file


<!-- right_navigation //-->
<?php // require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'column_right.php'); ?>
<!-- right_navigation_eof //-->


This has the same effect..


In the forum, I have found a thread where this problem was mentioned, but the explaination is not really clear to me..


Can someone try to explain: How can I make the right_column section of the site become part of the rest of the page, so the articles of the shop will also display in the area where the column_right used to be?


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