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OK, like, i was looking for a paypal wanna be, sorta. So i found propay.


they are like a usual form, you aquire the info, but you gotta be ssl and stuff i think, but you can get that cheap actually.




you get the info, then submit it to them, then they process it instantly and give you an approval or denyal, now, that option wasn't on the shopping cart.


what can i do to use this option? what, what, what, WHAT CAN I DO?!!


i wanna use this!!

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  • 6 years later...
OK, like, i was looking for a paypal wanna be, sorta. So i found propay.


they are like a usual form, you aquire the info, but you gotta be ssl and stuff i think, but you can get that cheap actually.




you get the info, then submit it to them, then they process it instantly and give you an approval or denyal, now, that option wasn't on the shopping cart.


what can i do to use this option? what, what, what, WHAT CAN I DO?!!


i wanna use this!!



Hi there,


I released a contribution to use propay without the need to pay them for their api(XML) access. This will save you $400 for the first year alone. The only thing that I would suggest (not needed) is that you have an SSL certificate for the processing.


If you have any questions you can contact me.


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