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The e-commerce.

i've been posting all day, please help!


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Hmm thats funny. Can you try making a backup through your websites database admin instead? Its called phpMyAdmin or something. When in there, find "Export", tick a box called "Save as File" if available & save it.



Ok can you confirm if this mod is in your product_info.php file (located in your root directory)?:

Find :
<td align="center" class="smallText"><?php echo sprintf(TEXT_DATE_ADDED, tep_date_long($product_info['products_date_added'])); ?></td>
} else {

After Add :
  if (DISPLAY_EXTRA_IMAGES == 'true'){
 if ($product_check['total'] >= 1) {
   include (DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'products_extra_images.php');

If it isn't add it, if it is, please modify it to look like this:

echo '<!-- ==================== CONFIRMATION TEXT START ==================== //-->' . "\n";
if (DISPLAY_EXTRA_IMAGES == 'true'){
 if ($product_check['total'] >= 1) {
   include (DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'products_extra_images.php');
 } else { echo '<!-- ==================== WHOOPS NO PRODUCTS ==================== //-->' . "\n";}
}  else { echo '<!-- ==================== CONFIRMATION TEXT END ==================== //-->' . "\n";}


Once done, upload it and refresh one of your products page. Before it adds the extra images, it will output the "CONFIRMATION TEXT START" message in your HTML code, you'll know its going that far at least. The next check is "WHOOPS NO PRODUCTS", it will show if the code doesn't think you have products. The final check is "CONFIRMATION TEXT END", which will show after everything is done. If everything works, only the first and last message will show. Else all three messages will show. If the first or last doesn't show, there's a problem :).


I put long "=" signs so it stands out easily. So view your HTML code and check for them.

Vgers right, you missed putting up a file which'll replace the TEXT_SPECIAL_IMAGE, etc... words. Its located in the Admin/Includes/Languages/English directory.


Which contribution from those that were listed did you install specifically?


I used Extra Images 1.4 by ***orchid*** on the 16th (full package), followed by the update on the 24th, and finally the Admin mod by Kaiser on the 1st.


Thanks, Uncle Bob, for picking up on this thread. As I was reading through all the contribution updates, it got very confusing. Some are posted with the full package, some with updates, some with code corrections. I kept thinking to myself, there's got to be a better way for newbies to get the full, up-to-date, correct package from the get-go, instead of trying to figure out (after install and pain killers) how far back we should go through the posted contributions to "get it right."


I wanted to ask msole if he ran the sql query to create the new data base table but you beat me to it and I was sleeping! In addition to the critical advice of many to back up first before making major changes, I think another bit of advice should be added for those of us who would jump into redesign first, as I did. Add your contributions first, then work on design.


This is hard for someone first starting out who wants to understand the nekkid code first. The contributions look for specific code chunkss to change, and if it's been altered in the design work (done first), the contribution may not initially work. I did this with mo-pics and I was stranded for days...



It's all just ones and zeros....


You mean the mo-pics? No, I ended up reverting my data base and hand-pulling leftover code out. I will add extra images to my product description html. As a newbie (still am), I was too confused by changes to code I did not understand at that time. But that's just me. Nothing against the contribution :)



It's all just ones and zeros....


Uncle Bob you are the Best!!! I could have sworn that I had done the complete install of the contrib. Maybe I did and when I had trouble, I took out the extra code in the product_info.php. I don't know what I did, but I added the code as you said and now it WORKS!!!!! Now all I have to do is figure out the totally unrelated, I think, issue of why I can't backup in Admin.



Thank You So Much!



You can't back up in admin because you need to upload a blank file named backups to your admin folder.......


Funny.......You would think this backups folder would be in the install, would you not?


Congrats :). As for the backup problem, maybe the backup folder isn't writable. Try checking using your FTP program if the folder's permissions is set to 755 or 777.


Thanks usernamenone! You were correct. I guess these simple yet aggrevating mishaps occur sometimes because I am working on my sites late at night / early morning. LOL





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