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The e-commerce.

Help with Image Links


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Hello all,


I got this template for osCommerce form that one vry popular template source..


Anyways, It is very well built. But unfortunatly, they don't have the greatest support.


So i need to resolve a few issues with it here. And i hope i can get some help.


This template has a few images. These images have links to some catagories that read like this: http://www.yoursite.com/index.php?cPath=6. I need to change the 6 to a 20 because that is the catagory i need it to go to when they click on this image.


Now my next question. This template only shows 4 products at a time. In 2 rows.. I would like to add a 3rd row to this. Any idea where i have to make the changes at?


Now my next question. How can i get those products to get randomized instead of just showing the sames ones all the time?


Well, i hope i can get some help here. I would really appreciate it. Thanks a ton for looking at this post.





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