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MySQL error


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I got this error while testing the checkout shipping:


1054 - Unknown column 'c.countries_moneybookers' in 'field list'


select ab.entry_firstname, ab.entry_lastname, ab.entry_company, ab.entry_street_address, ab.entry_suburb, ab.entry_postcode, ab.entry_city, ab.entry_zone_id, z.zone_name, ab.entry_country_id, c.countries_id, c.countries_name, c.countries_iso_code_2, c.countries_iso_code_3, c.countries_moneybookers, c.address_format_id, ab.entry_state from address_book ab left join zones z on (ab.entry_zone_id = z.zone_id) left join countries c on (ab.entry_country_id = c.countries_id) where ab.customers_id = '2' and ab.address_book_id = ''




How do I fix it? Remove the c.countries_moneybookers? or install moneybookers contribution? Will the contributuion help?

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Looks like it is trying to access a column that is not there. Have you checked via phpMyAdmin or something that the column exists?


If it doesn't, create it. If the contribution you installed came with a .sql file, run it.



Rob Bell - Inspired Graphix

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