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The e-commerce.

how do i remove 'product added on...'


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I dont want to push my luck & totally close/crash my store, Im ticking along rather slowly & boringly but havnt had to reinstall oscomm for about 2 weeks now lol. So if someone is prepared to help me, please could you give instructions in a format for a 10yr old child, lol, Im really 28 but not very good at this 'doing my own site' business, cant afford to pay designer thou ! lol




thanks in advance



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I dont want to push my luck & totally close/crash my store, Im ticking along rather slowly & boringly but havnt had to reinstall oscomm for about 2 weeks now lol. So if someone is prepared to help me, please could you give instructions in a format for a 10yr old child, lol, Im really 28 but not very good at this 'doing my own site' business, cant afford to pay designer thou ! lol


if you mean : 'Date Added' or 'This product was added to our catalog on '

then remove this :

<?php echo sprintf(TEXT_DATE_ADDED, tep_date_long($product_info['products_date_added'])); ?>

from product_info.php

and this :

<br>' . TEXT_DATE_ADDED . ' ' . tep_date_long($products_new['products_date_added']) . '

from products_new.php


david in ottawa

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